Who knew bleak could be this much fun … eh, silent book club friends?

Halfway through the lively reading recap during our almost standing-room-only silent book club gathering, someone remarked that as a group, we sure do seem to read a lot of bleak books. A scan of any of our recent book lists might indeed bear this observation out … but that doesn’t seem to deter us from gathering so eagerly every month (and in fact, even more frequently, since this was a bonus holiday gathering), does it? Somehow, the sometimes challenging and yes, regularly troubling or solemn subject matter is transcended and made very worthwhile by the thoughtfulness, passion, good humour and collegiality with which this ever blossoming group shares their reading enthusiasms.

And hey, there was nothing bleak about the latest beautiful bouquet of books spread before us for consideration and consumption today!



In addition to the bright cornucopia of books, today’s gathering welcomed several new voices to our booklovers’ chorus. As the group grows, so do the opportunities for each member to broaden reading horizons and gain new insights and revelations.

What follows, as always, is the list of the books we read and discussed at our latest silent book club meeting. Each title is presented and discussed within the group with readers’ capsule positive, negative or mixed – always refreshingly constructive – reviews. Our list as I present it here has no rating system, just a link to either publisher information or generally positive reviews or informational pieces. The list is not inherently a list of recommendations, just a record of what we discussed. Still, I think you’ll agree it’s an eclectic and intriguing selection that might spark the interest of anyone keeping up with our club.

As always, you can enjoy our previous silent book club meeting reports and book lists here.

Our silent book club was also included in a recent feature about silent book clubs in the international news publication The Christian Science Monitor. Enjoy the article here.

If you’re interested in starting your own silent book club or are in the Toronto area and perhaps interested in checking ours out, please feel free to contact me for more information.

2 thoughts on “Who knew bleak could be this much fun … eh, silent book club friends?

    1. bookgaga Post author

      Best wishes getting your group started, Christine. If you have any questions or need suggestions, feel free to give me a shout. Will you be summing up how it went on a blog or something?


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