Monthly Archives: October 2023

A Masterclass in silent reading

We’re very pleased to have Toronto silent book club member Tom Kennedy take over the “introduction to our latest meeting blog post” reins this month. Tom is Edmonton-born and raised in Toronto. He is a consultant. Tom loves sailing and squash and pretending to be a Michelin chef. Tom’s companion is a husky-mix named Aspen who takes him for unending walks around the countryside. With reading, Tom doesn’t have a favourite genre, but is constantly looking to inhabit meaningful, well-crafted storylines or experience emotionally complex events.

Toronto silent book club member Tom Kennedy

I propose we reclassify this humble book club into Non-Thesis MFA (Creative Writing) status. We exceed the criteria of several reputable entities, and I think are on our way to graduation.

We have accomplished educators from around the world, who come prepared to deliver important lessons. Professorial as they are chic, they are equipped with dramatic delivery and lessons in humility.

We study a range of periods, from prehistoric to Ancient Greece and Rome to 2050 Toronto. We exhaustively receive lectures on subjects from infants and children with their simple complexities and adult egos, from tribal leaders and heroes, to expansive adventurers. We have pondered the undead and have wondered at the dead’s current presence. The cultural diversity abounds, covered by our unwritten code of respect, with every race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and spirituality carefully considered. There are moments too where we appear to discuss beautiful nothings, posing as a verdant, peaceful vista in the countryside or solemn consideration of blurbs.

With our bi-monthly supplemental study groups we meet the 20-period 600-level credit requirement for training in research methodologies and scholarship assessment. I find the coursework challenging and rewarding, thanks to preparation.

Our monthly lessons consist of crisp thoughtful journeys through dozens of “new” books, which become recommendations and harsh critique too. Sometimes it is as valuable to eviscerate the fish as it is to enjoy the canape.

As a Degree Program I will not speak of the cumbersome student debt necessary to keep up with the program, except to say regardless of recent interest rate activity, the education has been immensely worth it. Let’s call it priceless.

The point I’m making is that I know I’m learning when I absorb our sessions. This sensation keeps beating quite a while after meetings end. I look at text, whether newspaper, a blog, a cookbook, or a new read I’m diving headfirst into – and I have this energy. Every couple of weeks, it’s wonderful to see the emotions and familiarity of our teachers … er, clubmates!

Some more of silent book club member Emily's gorgeous new bookshelves

Some of silent book club member Emily's gorgeous new bookshelves

Silent book club member Kristina's wonderful bookshelves

Some of silent book club member Lyla's recent readings, including a short story collection by Kate Atkinson

Silent book club member Vicki on-screen, getting ready for a zoom meeting, with a stack of books, including The Fraud by Zadie Smith, next to her computer

Here is our group’s latest combined book list, gathering up books mentioned and discussed by the end of our October 2023 meeting. Each list reflects the reading of many of our members, so dedicated to the group that they regularly provide their reading lists even when they can’t attend a meeting. The titles featured in each of our reports encompass print and digital versions of books, along with audiobooks.

Any title on any of our group’s lists means that at least one (but usually more) readers have given that title some consideration. That’s encouragement for you and other readers checking out our reports and lists to consider it, too. Is that a recommendation? It might be, but not exactly or necessarily. Inclusion on this list always means that a title has been given thoughtful consideration and attention by our readers, which you can be assured counts for a lot.

Did we mention that the worldwide Silent Book Club network recently welcomed its 500th chapter?!? It had around 60 chapters when we joined as the first Toronto chapter in 2017.

You can always find our previous reports and book lists right here, growing every month.

You can also check out links to articles, interviews and more here – some with San Francisco-based Silent Book Club founders Guinevere de La Mare and Laura Gluhanich, and some with us here in east end Toronto.

Learn more about silent book clubs via Guinevere and Laura’s Silent Book Club web site. You can find information on meetings happening around the world and close to where you live. Every club is a different size, format (in-person, virtual or combinations) and vibe, so contact a club’s organizers beforehand if you have any questions or preferences. Please feel free to contact me for more information about our club and its offerings.

If you’re in our silent book club group, if you’re in a silent book club group elsewhere in the world, if you’re in any kind of a book club, if you’re a book club unto yourself … or hey, if you’re thinking about starting a book club to welcome more readers into your reading life … however you celebrate books and reading … Happy reading!!!

Happy 500th chapter worldwide, Silent Book Club!

Congratulations to the Silent Book Club organization – a worldwide bookish phenomenon that means so much to readers here in east end Toronto – on hitting the impressive milestone of 500 chapters! Here’s the announcement.

Silent Book Club celebrating 500 chapters!

Our chapter’s first meeting with 4 attendees was in 2017 (yes, it’s our 6th anniversary!) At that time, I think there were around 50-60 chapters worldwide.

Table, books, coffee and readers' legs and shoes visible at first Toronto silent book club meeting

In 2019, our Toronto chapter teamed up with Silent Book Club co-founder Guinevere de la Mare to do a bunch of CBC Radio interviews extolling the virtues of this approach to book clubs and reading. At that time, I believe we were telling interviewers that there were around 75 SBC chapters worldwide.

Silent book club meeting with attendees, books, coffee and bookstore dog peeking over table, with bookshelves in background

Our Silent Book Club group has gathered in local parks …

Silent book club members in folding chairs, reading in Stephenson Park under a beautiful sky

… gathered virtually during the pandemic, and kept up the zoom format for flexibility, convenience and because new members joined our group from around the world. (As Kathyrn Eastman will confirm, the eastern edge of Toronto now extends all the way to Wales!)

Silent book club zoom meeting

Our Silent Book Club group continues to meet for special bookish experiences, including our wonderful visits to Great Escape Bookstore.

Silent book club meeting at The Great Escape bookstore

500 chapters worldwide, all gathering in different ways, numbers of readers and settings, means that more and more readers are enjoying a kind of bookish fellowship that has come to mean a lot to many of us!

Silent book club group as perpetual motion great reading machine

On the verge of its sixth anniversary (yes!), our silent book club group does this amazing and wonderful thing more and more, with every meeting. One by one, as readers share updates on their recent reading, almost to a person, that recent reading includes a recommendation from another reader in the group. And that recommendation blossoms into other discoveries. And then the reader that offered that recommendation reveals that the previous reader inspired them with recommendations (backatcha!), and then that recommendation led down other intriguing paths, either deeper into a particular subject or an author’s body of work … and on and on it goes, around our virtual silent book club table. And it’s connected and enmeshed but, importantly, not spinning in on itself (meaning we’d all eventually be reading the same book, like, er, the kinds of book clubs we left to join this group …) It keeps spinning larger and larger concentric circles, drops on a pond that extend further and further out. It’s perpetually in motion in fascinating ways that has this reader looking forward to how it will all keep spinning when next we meet.

In addition to our monthly go-round (spinning!) meetings, we continue to devote a second meeting every month to a bookish topic of discussion. The topic of this month’s themed discussion meeting was:

Looking things up while you’re reading – If you encounter a reference or word or something you don’t recognize while you’re reading – and it’s not explained or discernible from the text – do you stop and look it up or do you keep going with the flow of what you’re reading?

While fairly evenly divided between stopping to look things up (even risking getting distracted by invariable online rabbit holes) and going with the flow, the assembled readers for this discussion learned a lot from those on one or the other side of this dilemma. Thoughts and revelations included:

  • One reader who goes with the flow marks pages with scraps of paper that she circles back to later to look things up.
  • The group debated whether or not cryptic words that one has to look up could or should be “solved” by the writer by either employing simpler prose or incorporating obvious clues, descriptions or explanations. In other words, should the text be self-contained and explanatory?
  • Some readers confessed to being made to feel lazy if they just forged ahead and didn’t either stop at the time or look things up later. Others suggested a bit of mistrust of the author if things weren’t fully explained in context.
  • Footnotes … ah, yes … the pros, the cons, even the quirky delights of …

Silent book club member Anne-Louise's recent and current reading, including 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act by Bob Joseph, Truth Telling by Michelle Good and The Last Devil to Die by Richard Osman e-book, accompanied by a white polar bear toy wearing an orange ribbon and holding a plush pumpkin (Photo by Anne-Louise Gould)

Silent book club member Vicki (that's me, with my signature messy hair and glasses), on screen getting ready for our zoom meeting, with books stacked next to my computer

Here is our group’s latest combined book list, gathering up books mentioned and discussed at our end of September 2023 meeting. Each list reflects the reading of many of our members. Many provide their reading lists even when they can’t attend a meeting. The titles featured in each of our reports encompass print and digital versions of books, along with audiobooks.

Any title on any of our group’s lists means that at least one (but usually more) readers have given that title some consideration. That’s encouragement for you and other readers checking out our reports and lists to consider it, too. Is that a recommendation? It might be, but not exactly or necessarily. Inclusion on this list always means that a title has been given thoughtful consideration and attention by our readers, which you can be assured counts for a lot.

Here are some extra book-related articles, resources, news and recommendations. These items and tidbits are often companions to books on the list, or are inspired or offered by our members and/or come up during our discussions and chat.

  • Last month, I blended the poetry works I read for the 2023 Sealey Challenge (reading 31 works in 31 days) into our group’s combined reading list. I’ve since created a separate blog post of my Sealey Challenge reading here.
  • “Something happened when we shifted to digital formats that created a loss of rights for readers. Pulling back the curtain on the evolution of ebooks offers some clarity to how the shift to digital left ownership behind in the analog world.” Read more in The Anti-Ownership Ebook Economy.
  • Did we mention footnotes? Poet Ross Gay praises them!
  • The reader who discussed the book Reimagining Chinatown: An Anthology of Speculative Fiction, edited by Linda Zhang at today’s meeting also recommended the documentary Big Fight in Little Chinatown as an interesting complement to the book.
  • Another group member strongly recommends the Read the North Podcast. Season 1 is an engaging history of (mostly Toronto focused) CanLit.

Looking back almost six years,here’s a report from the very first meeting of the east end Toronto silent book club group.

You can always find our previous reports and book lists right here, growing every month.

You can also check out links to articles, interviews and more here – some with San Francisco-based Silent Book Club founders Guinevere de La Mare and Laura Gluhanich, and some with us here in east end Toronto.

Learn more about silent book clubs via Guinevere and Laura’s Silent Book Club web site. You can find information on meetings happening around the world and close to where you live. Every club is a different size, format (in-person, virtual or combinations) and vibe, so contact a club’s organizers beforehand if you have any questions or preferences. Please feel free to contact me for more information about our club and its offerings.

And if you explore some of the books here or on our other combined lists, our group will help you and your reading friends to keep that perpetual motion great reading machine rolling on and on and on …