Silent book club in the park

This edition of our warmly anticipated silent book club took to the outdoors, thanks to the weather for permitting. We gathered in a shaded corner of a neighbourhood park (not far from the coffeeshop where we usually meet), toting blankets and folding chairs along with our reading material. The hour before silent book club, some of us enjoyed an invigorating yoga class under the trees. After the class, our instructor, who is visiting Canada from Bangalore, India, joined us for the book gathering. (I’m not-so-secretly hoping she’ll plant some silent book club seeds when she returns home …!) All in all, it was a wonderful way to kick off the weekend.


Truth be told, our time in the park was also a restorative antidote to a trying week of tragedy and upheaval in Toronto. People everywhere face challenges – individually and collectively – every day. The nature and often relentless tempo of those challenges demand that we find ways to recharge and regain strength and focus to head back into what the world throws at us – as neighbours, friends, family members, employers and employees, citizens. For me, I hope for the friends with whom I gathered in the park today, there was solace, rejuvenation, joy and fellowship with our yoga mats, our books and our contemplative silence together under the trees, with other neighbours nearby.

Again, there are some repeats on our book list, because the group continues to actively share and pass along books among the members.

Here is this month’s list of books read and discussed.


As always, you can enjoy our previous silent book club meeting reports and book lists here.

If you’re interested in starting your own silent book club or are in the Toronto area and maybe interested in checking ours out, please feel free to contact me for more information.

Our hardy, hearty, full of heart, good for your heart silent book club

Silent book club was a particularly peaceful oasis after a particularly demanding week (work, politics, you name it … but let’s not …) The conversation was splendid, lively, enthusiastic and edifying – I love what all the silent book club members quite literally bring to the table – followed by an hour of blissful, focused reading.


Once again this month, there are some repeats on our book list, because the group is actively sharing and passing along books among the members. I would dare say there is a fine trust developing among these fellow readers that is encouraging us all to read outside our comfort zones. It’s heartening and inspiring.



Here is this month’s list of books read and discussed.

Moments after the hour of silent reading commenced, one of our readers begged a second to read the first sentence of a new book that had charmed and immediately drew her in. (It was from Dead Cold by Louise Penny. I won’t spoil it for you – seek it out!) I wonder if it might be a fun added feature to our gatherings to have each member read the first sentence of what they will be reading during the hour, to kick things off …

Enjoy our previous silent book club meeting reports and book lists here.

If you’re interested in starting your own silent book club or are in the Toronto area and maybe interested in checking ours out, please feel free to contact me for more information.

So ready for the next silent book club meeting

The week ahead is going to be flat-out busy work-wise. On top of that, the unknowns of a rather tumultuous provincial election hang over our heads, the eagerly anticipated but also dreaded results of which will be announced on Thursday, June 7th. By Saturday, June 9th, I will be so ready for the calm and reflection offered by a good, cozy silent book club meeting – I suspect a few of my neighbours and fellow booklovers will feel the same way.

I’m perhaps particularly yearning for a silent book club meeting because I missed the May gathering. Thank you to Jo for compiling that meeting’s list of books read and discussed, another vibrant and eclectic collection.


Enjoy our previous silent book club meeting reports and book lists here.

In the Cage, by Kevin Hardcastle

I am very pleased to welcome Hannah Brown as a guest reviewer to this blog. I’m delighted to present her thoughtful contribution, and I’m equally thrilled that she has gazed so perceptively and sensitively on Kevin Hardcastle’s powerful In the Cage, a book that I devoured with admiration and astonishment to prepare to moderate a Toronto Word on the Street book club session in September, 2017.

Born in Hastings County, Hannah Brown currently lives in Toronto. She won prizes as a screenwriter and wrote for anyone who’d pay. After a very happy sojourn teaching English and film at the college and collegiate levels, she returned to writing. Her work has appeared in several North American literary magazines, such as Superstition Review, and her short story, “The Happiness” was nominated for the 2016 Journey Prize. Her first novel, Look After Her, will be released in the spring of 2019 (Inanna Publications).

bookcover-inthecageWhen we were eleven and seven, my brother and I boxed. We lived on a farm miles from other children, in the former country home of the head of Massey-Ferguson International. He and his family had departed for Bermuda, leaving behind bright lime-green leather slippers with the heel bent down flat, as is the case of all good Spanish footwear, a painting of square-bottomed sheep, a copper tray with Arabic writing, and a double pair of sawdust-filled, suede boxing gloves. My brother and I agreed: nothing above the collar and nothing below the waist. It was fun and didn’t hurt: getting socked was like being thudded with a small, firm pillow.

I have always avoided pain: I consider it humiliating. Too many times trying to get away from my spanking mother, crawling under dining room tables and chairs, with her on her hands and knees crawling right after me, furious and intent.

Kevin Hardcastle’s In the Cage, however, draws upon the experience of pain, receiving it and inflicting it. He does so in such an objective, sober fashion that I found myself trying to imitate the complicated and precise moves, such as when the main character, Daniel has ”one hand clasped over the other behind the other man’s neck and there he pinched his elbows together.” I was reminded of how people always ended up trying to explain their idea of Ondaatje’s famous kitchen sex scene in In the skin of a lion. “If her hand is there,” someone would say, “he has to be this way to reach the icebox, so they’re like this” — you know, the way Canadian literature causes people to behave. Maybe not just Canadian literature. There is that oft acted-out scene in Thomas Hardy’s The Mayor of Casterbridge when Sergeant Troy shows Bathsheba his remarkable sword-fighting moves. In their minds, if not in their living rooms, I imagine other readers standing up to follow Hardcastle’s calm instructions on mayhem.

In the Cage draws upon another kind of pain, seen before and reckoned with in that same early novel of Hardy’s. Usually the phrase, “the industrial revolution” conjures up images of urban factories and urban blight, but the mechanization of farm labour threw the “workfolk” (as Hardy called them) out of their former crofts or homes, and forced them to trade their skills for part-time employment, unstable shelter, and low wages. Sound familiar?

That kind of bewildering social wound is certainly felt again in formerly prosperous rural communities all over North America, and wherever people are marginalized. Hardy claimed to be, not a pessimist, but a realist. An evolutionary meliorist. Hardcastle, too, is not a sunny optimist. If things are not good, they are not going to be made better by not saying just how bad things actually are — a stance for which Hardcastle’s contemporary, Ta-Nahesi Coates has received much barbed criticism. Hardcastle writes about those who have been left behind, with limited options, who are stoic, resourceful, and — here’s where his book will get you — noble.

His main character, Daniel, is a welder who has had success as a Muay Thai fighter, getting better and better until a sidelining injury introduces him to a woman with whom he makes a life and a child, and for whom he struggles, especially after the theft of all his welding equipment. His nobility, his restraint, seems to arrive equally out of the discipline of rural life as out of Korean martial arts.

If you have read Cormac McCarthy, or watched the series Justified, you know that rural life has sunsets to die for, and drug dealers? — same, same. With his financial back to the wall, Daniel agrees to be an intimidator for a local gangster cum money launderer, and things go very wrong. The local criminal gang in this milieu provides shady employment.They also betray, exploit, and kill. The story moves from page-turning complication to alarming crisis after crisis. Daniel has to make many choices, both honorable and dreadful.

The straightforward presentation in the novel of a constant consumption of alcohol to calm anxiety is startling, as is the matter-of-fact understanding that nursing homes are among the few stable enterprises in rural Ontario. The night shift at the nursing home is a prized position, even if you’re as overqualified as Daniel’s wife, Sarah. We see how warm and practical she is in an extended scene of camaraderie between caregiver and cared-for, where she shares a drink with a dying man — the respectful thing to do, if not the respectable thing to do, and we see this again in the actions of Daniel’s and Sarah’s child, Madelyn, when she stands up to a bullying trio.

This is a physical book: it makes sense that a fighter like Daniel will be aware of what is underfoot, or for that matter, under tire. We run with Daniel “over hard uneven ground and knots of tallgrass” and we always know if it’s a gravel road or if the wheels are going to throw “broken bits of brittle tarmac.” It is also a book with unashamed poetry: like Hardy, Hardcastle employs wordtwins, like the aforementioned “tallgrass.” Somehow, “roadgravel” delivers how crunching, hard, and uneven that surface can be, better than a prosaic construction such as ‘the gravel of the road.’ And, also like Hardy, Hardcastle delivers the authentic sound of regional speech, as in a tense scene at a construction site where “they “waited yet” and where bikers “set to laughing.”

Besides these sensual and poetic elements, Hardcastle’s style is remarkably cinematic. In scene after scene, we are given a long shot establishing where we are, a cut to a close-up of a someone’s face or a significant object, and often, a travelling shot to arrive at plan Américain, the so-called American shot of two people acting out their relationship in front of us, as here, when one of the rural gangsters is about to dispose of evidence:

“He got out of the truck with the garbage bag in his hand, weighted enough that it swung while he walked the ramp. Down and down to where the jetty left the beach. The inbound boat had one headlamp and it cut out sudden. The engine idled low. Wallace stood on the planking and waited. He knelt and reached for something. Another man got out in the shadow and started tying ropes to the dock cleats. He stood full and they were talking.”

In the Cage is a novel you watch as much as you read. It is also full of emotion held in, as in this crucial passage, where an out-of-work Daniel comforts his wife:

She wiped her eyes and slid the letter across the table to Daniel and then she looked up at the ceiling.

He set his beer down and took up the envelope. He took the letter and unfolded it carefully as he could. He read. He put the pages back into the envelope and held it in his hand for a while. Finally he slid it back over to Sarah. She just let it lie on the tabletop in front of her.

“You are gonna go to that school, Sarah,” he said.

She shook her head and ran a knuckle under her eye again. “Did you see what it costs?”

“There’s government loans they give for that.”

“I can’t be off work that long. If something goes wrong, we’re done for.”

Daniel got up with the chair in hand and set it down beside her. He sat and put an arm around her, She was rigid but he kept on. “Is that what you want to do or isn’t it?” he said.

“I wanted other things I didn’t get. It won’t be the last one.”

Daniel promises to find the money needed in the same unsentimental tone. In truth, the novel is never sentimental. Like Hardy, Hardcastle writes in close sympathy with his characters, and like Hardy, he not only brings a calm, unsparing view to the life of rural workingclass, it would seem he recommends and admires their struggle to live, and live right. You will find yourself on the side of Daniel, on the side of his wife and his daughter, and the hint at the end of In the Cage about how the mills of the gods might yet grind for the better is likely to leave you deeply moved.

Spring is in the air … and our silent book club continues to blossom

I saluted the little green somethings sprouting in our front garden and turned my face gratefully to the warm sunshine as I made my way to our neighbourhood silent book club meeting at bookstore / coffee shop / record store Press this morning. As I`ve chronicled over the last few months, silent book club has seen us through the winter and is now ushering us into spring.


As I observed in last month’s installment, our silent book club has evolved in some wonderful ways, balancing that quiet, concentrated time to focus on our reading with some truly stimulating book discussion. While the core of the silent book club concept is an hour of reading in companionable silence, I think it’s fair to say that our meetings are now a minimum of two hours long now. The lead-in discussion is as interesting as the reading hour is meditative and satisfying, and I personally look forward to both … both bookends (ha ha) to a great book experience.


To summarize from my last installment, I’ll mention again what else has blossomed from our gatherings:

  • Recaps of previous reads – Not only do we bring the circle up to date on what we were reading at the previous meeting and how it turned out – good, bad or indifferent – but we now mention other things we’ve read in the mean time.

  • Praise and challenges – The group has developed a level of familiarity with each other as readers that not only are we sharing our reading triumphs and enthusiasms, but we’re now feeling sufficiently comfortable to share our challenges, disappointments and criticisms, too. It’s encouraging to be able to discuss where we’re hitting stumbling blocks in our reading, such as encountering interesting subject matter that is couched in problematic fashion, or being disappointed with a particular book by an author who previously delighted us. Getting advice from empathetic fellow readers on how to soldier on or know when to spell one book with another and other approaches is very gratifying.

  • Sharing and acquiring booksIndian Horse by Richard Wagamese and Stranger by David Bergen have travelled around the group, and other books have been purchased or picked up at the library on the basis of praise from this group. Did I mention that the setting for our meetings is a cafe set inside a vinyl record and bookshop? Club members need only stroll mere feet from our table to act on recommendations from the group – it happened again today!

Here are the books the members our silent book club meeting read and/or discussed today.


If you’re interested in starting your own silent book club or are in the Toronto area and maybe interested in checking ours out, please feel free to contact me for more information.

How essential silent book club has become

As each new meeting draws near, I find myself downright craving the peace, warmth, clarity and community of our neighbourhood silent book club. Today’s was another fine, cozy, restoring and heartening get-together with friends and books.


In just a few short months, the silent book club has evolved in some wonderful ways, into a comfortable and truly satisfying groove for those of us who not only love to read, but love to discuss what we’re reading and learn and get tantalizing recommendations from others. We’ve got regular attendees coming month after month, so we need to spend less time explaining the concept (although, of course, I’m happy to do that when we do have newcomers). Once refreshments are in place (yay, Press – your coffee and chai lattes and baked goods are fabulous!), we launch right in to …

  • Recaps of previous reads – Not only do we bring the circle up to date on what we were reading at the previous meeting and how it turned out – good, bad or indifferent – but we now mention other things we’ve read in the mean time. This meeting, one attendee admitted ruefully that she had a “bad reading month” because she got too wrapped in some TV binge watching … and then she proceeded to rhyme off an impressive list of titles she read anyhow, even with the siren song of Netflix tempting her.

  • Praise and challenges – The group has developed a level of familiarity with each other as readers that not only are we sharing our reading triumphs and enthusiasms, but we’re now feeling sufficiently comfortable to share our challenges, disappointments and criticisms, too. It’s encouraging to be able to discuss where we’re hitting stumbling blocks in our reading, such as encountering interesting subject matter that is couched in problematic fashion. Getting advice from empathetic fellow readers on how to soldier on or know when to spell one book with another and other approaches is very gratifying.

  • Sharing and acquiring booksIndian Horse by Richard Wagamese has changed hands several times since this book club started. Stranger by David Bergen is now travelling from one reader to another. A couple of Louise Penny books have been purchased on a club member’s recommendation. Did I mention that the setting for our meetings is a cafe set inside a vinyl record and bookshop? Club members need only stroll mere feet from our table to act on recommendations from the group.


As always, Milo keeps an eye on the silent book club … and our scones.



Here are the books the members our silent book club meeting read and/or discussed today. (Yes, there is a bit of an Irish theme happening here, in tribute to St. Patrick’s Day!)

It’s only a month until it’s silent book club again!

Interested in starting your own silent book club? Or are you in the Toronto area and maybe interested in checking ours out? If I can help or offer insights, please feel free to contact me.

Morning snow and silent book club bring such peace

Our neighbourhood silent book club meetings have become my light at the end of those inevitable tunnels we have to make our way through – you know, seasonal dreariness, work tedium (even if you love your job, which I do), health challenges (thankfully, wholly survivable) and or even literally, those TTC subway tunnels we all seem to be getting caught in these days.

The glowing light that is our silent book club is comprised of so many wonderful things. It’s a quiet celebration of neighbours and neighbourhood. It’s a lively and enthusiastic gathering to share books and perspectives. It’s an oasis of calm to concentrate, meditate, savour and reflect. As each meeting draws near, I find myself getting excited about what I’ll take along, who I’ll see there, what they’ll share, what I’ll get to share.


With our fourth gathering, all but one of the nine people in attendance this time had been to at least one previous meeting. We’re getting into such a comfortable groove that we can spend less time explaining the concept (but here it is if you’re new to the idea) and more time just talking about our books and our reading discoveries. Each participant’s turn to speak has evolved from a quick intro and description of their book or books to a recap of what they were reading last time and how that went to what they’re looking forward to reading next. Wonderfully, there is some great cross-pollination of reading happening, too, where we’re borrowing each other’s books or making lists and heading off to the library or bookstore after each meeting. That spreading of good words (and pictures) about good books is happening online, too. One of my Instagram posts about a previous meeting inspired an Instagram follower to purchase a book based on its intriguing title as it appeared on our silent book club table. How fantastic is that?


Here are the books the members our silent book club meeting read and/or discussed today:


(… and yes, that’s cafe/bookshop greeter Milo’s fuzzy butt in the background …)

Another month and a bit … and I already see the light glowing at the end of the tunnel!

Silent book club – another warm gathering on a cold winter morning

Our silent book club gatherings are growing … and everyone wants to take part!


(That envious reader wannabe is Milo, amiable canine assistant at the cafe at which we gather.)

On another cold (but brilliantly sunny this time) Saturday morning, we bundled up, grabbed our books and gathered once again at local cafe Press Books Coffee Vinyl for our third silent book club meeting. Four people attended our inaugural meeting in November, and five gathered for our second meeting in December. This time, after we scrambled a bit to push together another table and grab some additional chairs, our circle was comprised of nine booklovers.

We were together for about two hours or so, and as before, I came away feeling energized and enthused, and pretty confident that fellow attendees felt the same way. The hour of silent reading was both soothing and productive, during which I finished a short story collection over which I’d been lagging and struggling a bit during the week, and also read some poetry. I so enjoyed the discussion beforehand, during which I got to know some neighbours and acquaintances a bit better and learned about the authors and subjects that fuel their individual reading passions, across a range of fiction and non-fiction.



Here are the books the members our silent book club meeting read and/or discussed today:

Our next meeting is already scheduled for mid-February. Again, I can’t wait. The books, the discussion, the time spent in company with neighbours and devoted readers – it’s all so welcoming and infectious. As I predicted, the warmth of these gatherings is seeing me through this decidedly wintry winter.

What I read in 2017

As I mentioned last year around this time, I started a handwritten books diary in 1983. It’s coming apart at the seams a bit. Over the years, I’ve backed up my list in databases, spreadsheets, Goodreads and other book apps du jour … but I’ve always updated this little diary as part of my reading routine. This beloved diary grows ever more battered, but it has seen me through another year, and as it celebrates its 35th anniversary, I commit to treating it tenderly so that it will see me through another year of reading.


Here are the books I read in 2017, with links to reviews where I have them. Again, this is an exhaustive, “all of” list, not a “best of” list.

I continued my commitment in 2017 to a daily devotion to at least one poem … and usually more, as friends on Twitter continued to generously share their poem choices and reflections via the #todayspoem hashtag. We’re now heading into our seventh uninterrupted year of poetry tweets. I gathered up all my 2017 tweets here, if you’d like to take a look.

In recent years, I’ve welcomed some wonderful guest reviewers and correspondents to this blog. I extended some invitations again this past year, but the reviews didn’t come together for various good reasons. I’m going to try again in 2018 to add some guest pieces to the mix here.

Here are the books I read and read aloud in 2017. Wherever I go, I try to carry a book with me, so for each book, I’m also going to try to recall where I was when I was reading it.

  1. Being a Dog
    by Alexandra Horowitz
    (read aloud)

    As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of our reading aloud takes place in the kitchen, with my talented husband cooking and me singing for my supper. Quite appropriately, our Airedale terrier Tilly and beagle-basset Jake were often in attendance as I read this particular book.

  2. The Small Nouns Crying Faith
    by Phil Hall

    This poetry collection kept me company on several subway rides.

  3. Swing Time
    by Zadie Smith

    I recall devouring this book pretty quickly, curled up in bed on a few cold winter nights.

  4. The Two of Us
    by Kathy Page

    This short story collection kept me company on several subway and streetcar rides.

  5. Dear Sir, I Intend to Burn Your Book
    by Lawrence Hill

    I read this essay in a couple of sittings at home. I have a home office, and it’s often easy to just fix a quick lunch and eat it at my desk while continuing with my work. I do my best, though, to step away from my desk and computer, eat lunch in the dining room and read a book, magazine article or something not displayed on a screen for a break. I know I read this during one of those lunch breaks.

  6. My Brilliant Friend
    by Elena Ferrante, translated by Ann Goldstein

    … and indeed, this Ferrante quartet took me through the winter and early spring. I read them everywhere.

  7. The Very Persistent Gappers of Frip
    by George Saunders, illustrated by Lane Smith

    I read this gorgeous book at home, carefully, at my desk. Later in the year, I was thrilled to meet George Saunders, and he seemed bemused to see the book when we asked him to sign it.

  8. The House on Selkirk Avenue
    by Irena Karafilly

    I read this novel during several subway rides.

  9. Minds of Winter
    by Ed O’Loughlin

    I initially read this rich, fascinating novel printed out in loose, 8 1/2 x 11 inch printed out pages at my desk in my home office, as I prepared the readers’ guide / book club questions offered by the publisher, House of Anansi Press. I was glad to get a proper bound copy later, as the book boasts a gorgeous cover … and oh, I imagine I’m going to read this one again.

  10. The Story of a New Name
    by Elena Ferrante, translated by Ann Goldstein

    As I mentioned, I read the Ferrante books everywhere.

    A post shared by Vicki Ziegler (@vzbookgaga) on

  11. Transit
    by Rachel Cusk

    I tend to avoid taking hardcover books along when I’m out and about, so I read this book at home, not on transit (nyuk nyuk). I recall having a lovely Twitter conversation about this and Cusk’s previous and related novel, Outline.

  12. A
    by Andre Alexis

    This was a quick read, so I think it might only have accompanied me on one or two subway rides.

  13. On Turpentine Lane
    by Elinor Lipman

    This was a cozy curl-up-with-a-dog-nestled-with-you kind of read.

    Cozy quilt, snoring beagle, @elinorlipman's latest, bookish beloved nearby.

    A post shared by Vicki Ziegler (@vzbookgaga) on

  14. Lincoln in the Bardo
    by George Saunders

    This was a sit-up-straight-and-pay-attention read, mostly at the dining room table, finished not long before we went to see George Saunders read and be interviewed by the incomparable Eleanor Wachtel at the Toronto Public Library Appel Salon.


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  15. Believing is not the same as Being Saved
    by Lisa Martin

    I took my time reading this poetry collection, and transcribed selections from it while sitting at my downstairs office desk.

  16. Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay
    by Elena Ferrante, translated by Ann Goldstein

    Again, I read this everywhere, including by candlelight during Earth Hour.

  17. Mitzi Bytes
    by Kerry Clare

    This novel was definitely a good subway ride companion. I remember being quite absorbed in it and almost missing my stop when heading out one evening to meet friends with whom we were going to a concert.

  18. Silvija
    by Sandra Ridley

  19. Violet Energy Ingots
    by Hoa Nguyen

    I’m pretty sure I travelled by subway and streetcar with both of these poetry collections in tow, as I finished them within 24 hours of each other.


  20. The Story of the Lost Child
    by Elena Ferrante, translated by Ann Goldstein

    In the spring, I bade farewell to these constant book companions.

  21. Falling Awake
    by Alice Oswald

    This poetry collection was often particularly perfect company in my travels around the city.

  22. The Lonely Hearts Hotel
    by Heather O’Neill

    This was another sit-up-straight-and-pay-attention read, again mostly at the dining room table.

  23. World of Made and Unmade
    by Jane Mead

    I remember having this poetry collection with me once or twice when I was out running errands in the neighbourhood.

  24. Swallowing Mercury
    by Wioletta Greg, translated by Eliza Marciniak

    … and then there are the riveting reads that make you forget where you are when you’re reading them …

  25. Fever Dream
    by Samanta Schweblin, translated by Megan McDowell

    Yes, I definitely remember reading this one on the streetcar.

  26. The Burgess Shale – The Canadian Writing Landscape of the 1960s
    by Margaret Atwood

    I remember reading this piece in one sitting at the dining room table.

  27. So Much Love
    by Rebecca Rosenblum

    This novel made some subway and streetcar rides pass very quickly.

  28. Hot Milk
    by Deborah Levy

    I was reading this absorbing novel during our trip to Dublin.

    #fridayreads Hot Milk by Deborah Levy (Hamish Hamilton / Penguin Canada)

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  29. A General Theory of Oblivion
    by Jose Eduardo Agualusa, translated by Daniel Hahn

    We attended the Dublin Literary Award ceremony when we visited Dublin. Right after the ceremony, we walked down the street to Hodges Figgis bookshop and purchased one of the last copies of this book in the shop. I read and finished it on the flight home.

  30. Conversations With Friends
    by Sally Rooney

    This was another excellent Dublin purchase (from Winding Stair bookshop’s local recommendations table) which I also read on the flight home.

  31. 4321
    by Paul Auster

    At 800+ pages, this was a fascinating but not at all portable read. I did attempt to read it in bed a few times, but after it tipped over on my sleepy head one too many times, I stuck to reading it on the dining room table.

    Tilly, Jake and Paul Auster are good lunch company.

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  32. Little Sister
    by Barbara Gowdy

    This novel was topmost on a stack of cottage reading for one of our first extended cottage stays this summer.

  33. Swimming Lessons
    by Claire Fuller

    Another cottage read …

    #sundayreads Swimming Lessons by Claire Fuller (@houseofanansi)

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  34. Moanin’ at Midnight – The Life and Times of Howlin’ Wolf
    by James Segrest and Mark Hoffman
    (read aloud)

    We read this one aloud at home and at the cottage, always to a Howlin’ Wolf soundtrack, of course.

  35. Nuala
    by Kimmy Beach

    Another cottage read …

  36. spill simmer falter wither
    by Sara Baume

    Another wonderful purchase from our Ireland trip, I read this one slowly and carefully, both at the cottage and on the back porch in the city.

  37. The Pet Radish, Shrunken
    by Pearl Pirie

    This poetry collection was particularly good company during an extended and somewhat anxious wait for a delayed train at Toronto’s Union Station.

  38. Frontier City – Toronto on the Verge of Greatness
    by Shawn Micallef
    (read aloud)

    A lot of this one was read aloud (and thoroughly enjoyed) in our kitchen in, of course, Toronto.

    Next up on our #readaloud list: Frontier City by @shawnmicallef …

    A post shared by Vicki Ziegler (@vzbookgaga) on

  39. The Last Wave
    by Gillian Best

    I toted this novel all over, reading it at the nails place, at the cottage, out and about …


  40. England
    by Nia Davies

    I read this striking chapbook at my home office desk.

  41. In the Cage
    by Kevin Hardcastle

    I had to read this novel and two others (The Prisoner and the Chaplain by Michelle Berry and Men Walking on Water by Emily Schultz) on very short notice to host three book club events at this year’s Toronto Word on the Street book fest. How fortunate that all three books were compelling, infectious reads. I gobbled this one up in about 36 hours at home on a sultry September weekend.

  42. The Original Face
    by Guillaume Morissette

    I remember reading this novel in a parkette near Skydome before meeting my beloved to take in a Blue Jays baseball game.

  43. The Prisoner and the Chaplain
    by Michelle Berry

  44. Men Walking on Water
    by Emily Schultz

    Toronto’s Word on the Street book fest was on a sweltering day in late September. I’ll remember that, and that the authors and I all managed to wear black clothes that day, and that their books were all superb.

  45. Pockets
    by Stuart Ross

    I read this wee, beautiful book at my home office desk.

  46. The Theory of Hummingbirds
    by Michelle Kadarusman

    I purchased this exquisite book at Toronto’s Word on the Street and started reading it on the streetcar ride home that afternoon.

  47. I Am a Truck
    by Michelle Winters

    This novel was fine company on several subway and streetcar rides.

  48. Brother
    by David Chariandy

    I devoured this book on a cottage weekend.

  49. Bellevue Square
    by Michael Redhill

    This novel was also a cottage read.

  50. The Curious History of Irish Dogs
    by David Blake Knox
    (read aloud)

    Another fine purchase from our Ireland trip, this was a great read aloud choice.

  51. If Clara
    by Martha Baillie

    This was meant to be a book suitable for toting along on transit, but I’m pretty sure I read it swiftly at home.

  52. Next Year For Sure
    by Zoey Leigh Peterson

    This book was fine company for our first neighbourhood silent book club meeting.

  53. Son of a Trickster
    by Eden Robinson

    I read this novel at home, on home office lunch breaks.

  54. H(A)PPY
    by Nicola Barker

    I read this singular book at home, giving it my full attention, as Nicola Barker books always demand.

  55. No TV For Woodpeckers
    by Gary Barwin

    I read this poetry collection at home and on the go, and transcribed at least one striking poem into my journal.

  56. A Line Made By Walking
    by Sara Baume

    This book was such good company for our second neighbourhood silent book club meeting.

  57. Panicle
    by Gillian Sze

    Like Gary Barwin’s latest, I read this poetry collection at home and on the go, and transcribed at least one striking poem into my journal.

  58. What We Once Believed
    by Andrea Macpherson

    I read this novel at home and on transit.

  59. Glory
    by Gillian Wigmore

    I pretty much inhaled this novel over the holiday season, at home and at my brother-in-law’s over Christmas.

  60. String Practice
    by Jan Zwicky

    I read this poetry chapbook at my home office desk on the last day of 2017.


In 2017, I read a total of 60 works (a new record for me): 43 works of fiction (novels and short story collections), 11 poetry collections and 6 works of non-fiction. I did not re-read any books this year (but commit to doing that again in 2018), read 7 works in translation, and read 36 works by Canadian authors. My husband and I read four books aloud to each other this year and have another one in progress as we greet the new year.

I also kept track this year of the publication dates of the books I read. (I think this is fairly easy to track in Goodreads, so I want to go back to previous years to see what my mix of current versus older reading is year over year.) In 2017, the oldest book I read was published in 2000. I also read books published in 2004, 2012, 2013, 2015 and 2016, and more than half of what I read in 2017 was published in that year. Even before I go back and explore publication dates in previous years, I know right now I want to try to read (or re-read) more of a selection of older books in 2018. Let’s see how that works out …

Currently in progress, heading into 2018:

  • Stranger
    by David Bergen

  • The Left-Handed Dinner Party and Other Stories
    by Myrl Coulter

  • Collected Tarts and Other Indelicacies
    by Tabatha Southey
    (read aloud)

For another year, I’m looking back fondly on my 2017 reading, looking forward eagerly, with anticipation and even some curiosity to my 2018 reading, I’ll simply conclude (as I always do) …

It’s not how many you read that counts. It’s that you read that counts.

2017 #todayspoem tweets – poetry every single day

For now six years running, I have not missed a day during which I’ve selected and read a poem (discovered in many different ways, which I should perhaps write about separately one day), chosen an excerpt and tweeted it, including the #todayspoem hashtag. When I click the hashtag every day, I’m thrilled to see other poetry lovers, including poets and poetry publishers, sharing poems they love, that have spoken to them, that have helped them mark a day or occasion. The shared poetry comes from around the world, so it surfaces at all hours of the day and night. #todayspoem is always there, providing insight, enchantment, solace, amusement and much more.

I gathered up all my 2017 #todayspoem tweets in month-by-month Twitter moments, then I threaded them all together in a series of tweets, starting here:

Here is what the individual months look like. Twitter Moments are particularly fun to page through on mobile, where you can swipe your way through each slideshow.

Not as studiously compiled is a running Pinterest collection of #todayspoem pins.

I’m going to do my best to keep it up again in 2018. I’m excited and intrigued to see who will join me and what they will share.