Category Archives: Reviews

How our silent book club has opened up our (sometimes locked down) world

Toronto silent book club member Catherine Xu introduces our latest silent book club meeting report with singular style and perspectives. She joined our group during the pandemic and has become a steadfast presence in the year (happy anniversary!) she’s been with us. As we’ve observed in the last couple of years, meeting virtually means that we’ve been able to fling our doors open wider and extend the boundaries of what constitutes east end Toronto, which includes both Pontypridd in Wales and Catherine’s home, Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.

Silent book club member Catherine XuGreetings from Catherine in New Jersey, USA. Reflecting on my past year attending regular Toronto silent book club meetings, I found myself much more immersed in the world of books, audiobooks, poetry, and more. I am truly thankful to Vicki and Jo for welcoming me into this circle and everyone’s recommendations. Below are just a few new activities I have enjoyed.

  • Listen to more audiobooks and seek out favorite narrators.
  • Bring reading outdoors. Nature offers the best reading soundtrack.
  • Attend poetry events, including Bryant Park poetry readings and Governors Island Poetry Festival.
  • Try more non-fiction, especially related to natural sciences.
  • Learn to talk about a book and formulate my thoughts around it, beyond just “I liked/hated it”.
  • Research and select book reviews, author interviews, and book club discussion guides.
  • Enjoy poetry read out loud (in forms of podcasts and audiobooks). And then read it on my own and share it with a group.
  • Discover and share New York Public Library events, resources, and exhibitions.
  • Join more book clubs! While we don’t have assigned reading in Silent Book Club, I do enjoy expanding genre/medium with various book clubs that offer assigned reading. I have joined a few different ones through work, hobby groups, the library, and the local bookstore.

As the world opens up, I would love to welcome silent book club visitors who find themselves heading to New York City. Jersey City is just across the Hudson River. Check out:

  • Jersey City Waterfront: Walk along the waterfront to take in the Manhattan skyline
  • Van Vorst Park – beautiful park and garden situated across the street from one of the Jersey City libraries. Wonderful flowers all year around and a weekly Farmers Market
  • Word bookstore – My very first book club experience (in-person) was hosted by this bookstore. They have since moved to online book club meetings so anyone can join the book club discussions.

Catherine likes to read in parks

Reader Profile / Ice breakers

Reader Name: Catherine

Professional field: Financial Services

Location: New Jersey, USA

Reading Format: Digital ebooks and audiobooks on Libby library app (New York Public Library)

Favorite Reading Nook: any outdoor park (non-winter). Couch with virtual fireplace (winter)

Most memorable book from the past year: The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elisabeth Tova Bailey. I appreciated the quiet and introspective part of this book, while the world was slowly opening up. The narrator offers a good balance of snail facts with her own personal interactions with her pet snail.

Best bookstore for visitors: Toss up between the NY Library shop and the Strand.

Recent booklish accessory: bookshelf themed iphone case

A bookstore discovery from your travels: Powell’s bookstore in Portland, Oregon. I spent quite a few hours here!

Non-reading related hobby: dance

Non-traditional reading?

  • Podcast interview transcripts/show notes: See Tim Ferris show or How to Save a Planet call to action
  • Department of Salad newsletter
  • Hand-written notes in public places. Examples include Letters to Trees at Madison Square Park and Questionnaires at the Rubin Museum “How do you start healing?”. I enjoy reading handwriting and also ruminating on the Q’s and responses that people provide. A cafe I visited in Seattle a few years ago also had large guest books where people wrote love notes, doodled, and their reviews of the cafe/surrounding area. It was really great reading through it and adding my own words to the collection.

Tell Me the Truth About Love by W.H. Auden - part of Philippa's reading

Born in Blackness by Howard French - part of Lyla's reading

Jo's reading chair

Vicki's stack of books, including The Books of Jacob, with Jake the beagle-basset under the table

Lyla, Sue and Jo with their books in Stephenson Park

Jo with her reading in Stephenson Park

Lyla with her reading in Stephenson Park

Sue with her reading in Stephenson Park

Vicki with her reading and Jake the beagle-basset in Stephenson Park

Our combined reading list gathers the recent reading of many of our members, whether they are in attendance or not. The titles featured in each of our reports combine print and digital versions of books, along with audiobooks (which are indicated separately, with narrator/performer information where possible).

More book-related articles, resources, news, recommendations and more are often inspired or offered by our members and/or come up during our discussions and chat, including:

Poet Raymond Antrobus reads the poem “Dear Hearing World” from his poetry collection The Perseverance (on this month’s reading list)

Our previous silent book club reports (for online and in-person meetings) and book lists are always available for you to enjoy and get some reading inspiration right here.

You can also check out links to articles, interviews and more here – some with San Francisco-based Silent Book Club founders Guinevere de La Mare and Laura Gluhanich, and some with us here in east end Toronto.

Learn more about silent book clubs via Guinevere and Laura’s Silent Book Club web site. You can find information on meetings happening around the world and close to where you live. Some clubs are currently on hiatus or modified schedules, many are running virtual meetings in different formats, and some are re-emerging carefully with in-person gatherings. Please feel free to contact me for more information about our club and its offerings.

Popping up with another silent book club meeting – a mid-week oasis

It’s been a busy, sometimes fraught, sometimes challenging week – smack dab in the midst of which was what our group calls a “pop-up” silent book club meeting, assembled on shorter notice than our usual monthly meetings. In addition to affording us continued connection throughout the pandemic, Zoom has also allowed us to have meetings somewhat more spur of the moment than if we were meeting in person. (Not not NOT that we don’t want to meet in person, but …)

Anyhow, the pop-up meeting was smaller in attendance than our monthly gatherings, but still cozy and collegial. It was an oasis. It mitigated what had gone before in the week, and eased what came after, setting everything in perfect balance.

Silent book club member Mary's April reading

Silent book club member Vicki's April reading, with Vicki on a computer screen getting reading for a zoom meeting

Even mid-month, on short notice, our combined reading list boasts of plenty. The titles featured in each of our reports combine print and digital versions of books, along with audiobooks (which are indicated separately, with narrator/performer information where possible).

The works of Miriam Toews are much beloved in this group, and we know we’re not alone or unique among readers and book groups. Toews’ oeuvre is rooted semi-autobiographically in the oppressive Canadian Mennonite community. Each book delves into how spirited protagonists and their families either cope or don’t, either escape or don’t, the fierce restrictions and expectations of the religion. Dark as that sounds, Toews’ themes and circumstances are tragicomic, meaning the darkness is leavened with sometimes astonishing and life-affirming humour.

How perfect, then, that film distributor Mongrel Media wisely assessed that a group like ours would be very interested in the movie version of Toews’ 2014 novel All My Puny Sorrows, and offered us passes to an advance screening. All who attended agreed that the movie is a splendid and accurate rendering of the book, well cast and beautifully presented on all levels. Here is a lovely interview with the stars, Sarah Gadon and Alison Pill, and an equally lovely review in The Globe and Mail by Johanna Schneller.

The book All My Puny Sorrows by Miriam Toews sits on a table with a print-out of a movie review and a glass of white wine

Our previous silent book club reports (for online and in-person meetings) and book lists are always available for you to enjoy and get some reading inspiration right here.

You can also check out links to articles, interviews and more here – some with San Francisco-based Silent Book Club founders Guinevere de La Mare and Laura Gluhanich, and some with us here in east end Toronto.

Learn more about silent book clubs via Guinevere and Laura’s Silent Book Club web site. You can find information on meetings happening around the world and close to where you live. Some clubs are currently on hiatus or modified schedules, many are running virtual meetings in different formats, and some are re-emerging carefully with in-person gatherings. Please feel free to contact me for more information about our club and its offerings.

Winter 2022 young adult (YA) reading recommendations

Our Toronto silent book club member Sundus Butt offers another splendid collection of young adult (YA) titles, accompanied by well-attuned and insightful reviews. For now, this is her final installment, but I hope we can convince to return in future with more! Here are all Sundus’ recommendations collected together for your enjoyment and edification.

January 2022 Young Adult (YA) selections

The Worst Witch by Jill MurphyThe Worst Witch by Jill Murphy (6–9)

Whoever heard of a witch who was scared of the dark?

In England, before Harry and Hogwarts, there were Mildred and Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches. Mildred Hubble is an awful witch. She can’t perform spells properly, ride a broomstick, or even keep her shoes tied, and is just generally a disaster. But armed with her best friend, Maud, and her odd kitten, Tabby, Mildred tries to make it through her first year at the academy.

I adored this book as a child. It’s a short and delightful read about a girl who doesn’t fit in and pretty much rubs everyone the wrong way. But there’s a charm to Mildred (and the story as a whole) and it’s immensely satisfying when she saves the day, with all her flaws in tow.

The Ruins of Gorlan by John FlanaganThe Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan (9–12)

Will became aware of the comforting realization that he was now a part of an exclusive, tightly knit group.

It was a warm sense of belonging, as if, somehow, he had arrived home for the first time in his life.

Will has always been a bit different, even for an orphan raised at Redmont Fief. And when Choosing Day arrives and no one selects him as an apprentice, Will’s heart sinks. But then the mysterious old ranger Halt selects him at the last minute and Will falls headlong into a new and strange life.

With an enjoyable cast of characters, witty dialogue, and some familiar fantastical elements, this is just a really fun, medieval-feeling read.

The Thing About Luck by Cynthia KadohataThe Thing About Luck by Cynthia Kadohata (10–14)

My friends all felt like life would go on forever, but I realized it was something happening now. And yet I didn’t know what to make of it. “It’s because your personality hasn’t settled yet,” my mother liked to say, as if my personality was dust floating in water.

Summer’s family has had a torrid string of bad luck from Summer contracting malaria to her brother’s only friend moving away to her parents leaving for a family emergency in Japan. So it’s just Summer, her grandparents, and little brother, Jaz, who are left to help out for the harvest season.

The highlight of the story is the relationship between Summer and her grandmother. Their back-and-forth banter feels like a real reflection of two people from different generations and cultures, and their dramatic natures make their encounters amusing. The characters are the heart of this simple story, which is a snapshot of a season in Summer’s life as she navigates growing up and dealing with the trials and joys that entails.

Holes by Louis Sachar (11–13)

A lot of people don’t believe in curses.

A lot of people don’t believe in yellow-spotted lizards either, but if one bites you, it doesn’t make a difference whether you believe in it or not.

Unjustly sent to a boys’ detention camp, Stanley Yelnats is forced to dig a large hole every day in excruciating heat at Camp Green Lake, which has no lake, greenery, and is the farthest thing from camp. But Stanley soon learns there’s more behind digging the holes than “building character.”

With some excellently crafted characters and weaving of the past and present, Sachar creates a story that unfolds so well and doesn’t feel too heavy amidst the truly terrible conditions (environmental and human-made) of the camp. And it’s these conditions that make Stanley’s growth even more extraordinary. He learns to uncover and choose courage, compassion, and strength when faced with difficult situations.

The Unforgettable Guinevere St. Clair by Amy Makechnie (9–12)

This woman was holding a dead body and walking off into a cornfield — and I was letting her. Could it be … a crime? The thought was both terrible and thrilling. I was only ten and about to become an Accessory. Was it possible to be disbarred before I even got into law school?

After a heart episode, Guinevere’s (Gwyn’s) mother is oxygen-deprived for so long that she loses all her memories past the age of 13. But even worse, she acts like she’s a child, too. Gwyn’s dad decides moving back to their hometown in Iowa will help restore his wife’s memory and in turn heal the breach in their family. Skeptical of the outcome, Gwyn takes her little sister, Bitty, in hand and makes the best of a terrible situation by befriending some offbeat boys, making a longed-for archenemy, and realizing people aren’t always what they seem.
This is one of my favourite books. It has a terrific opening line and sets the tone for the wonder that is Gwyn. Her narration of this heartwarming (and wrenching) story is poignant and funny. And even though this is set in modern times, it feels like an olden setting, which adds to the charm and fits the story perfectly. The title is correct; once you’ve met Guinevere St. Clair, you won’t soon forget her.

Refugee by Alan Gratz (9+)

[…] A building shuddered and collapsed, smoke and debris avalanching out into the street. Mahmoud jumped when it fell, but Waleed stood still, like this kind of thing happened every day.

With a jolt of surprise, Mahmoud realized this kind of thing did happen every day. Just not to them. Until now.

This book follows three child refugees and their families as they leave their homes to find a new place to live: Josef flees Nazi Germany in 1938, Isabel flees Cuba in 1994, and Mahmoud flees Syria in 2015.

Tragically, fear and mistreatment of refugees is a long tradition, highlighted by the similarities in the children’s journeys in three different decades. As expected, this is a heavy, unvarnished look at the incomprehensible situations some people must go through to find a safe place to live. Though written at a young reading level, I think the content skews this book a little higher. And whilst it’s bleak, it does show the tenacity and determination of the human spirit, and some unexpected connections tie these three separate stories together towards the end.

The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, illustrated by Jules Feiffer (9–11)

“[…] as you’ve discovered, so many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible.”

Meet Milo. He’s bored with everything in his life and feels like nothing matters. But one day, he receives a mysterious package that he builds into a tollbooth. The tollbooth sends him off into another world where he never knows what to expect from one moment to the next.

It’s hard to describe the enjoyable chaos that is The Phantom Tollbooth. Juster cleverly pieces together the Kingdom of Wisdom with playful puns, descriptions, and a cast of characters who I think would fit right in in Wonderland. As Milo journeys from Expectations to the Doldrums to Dictionopolis and beyond, he realizes the importance of words and that there is so much more to his own world if he takes the time to look a little closer.

The Amulet of Samarkand by Jonathan Stroud (11+)

One magician demanded I show him an image of the love of his live. I rustled up a mirror.

Nathaniel, a young wizard-in-training, summons ancient djinni Bartimeaus and commands him to steal an amulet from a powerful wizard. This theft kicks off a series of events that embroils them both in a dangerous conspiracy set in a dystopian, alternate version of England.

If you don’t already have a favourite djinni, Bartimeaus will fill that space. Funny, troublesome, irreverent, he’s a marvellous character. Split between his perspective and Nathaniel’s, you’re taken through a rollercoaster of magical and chaotic events in a world different yet familiar. With actual footnotes that genuinely enrich the running story, Stroud creates a slightly dark, but unique fantasy tale.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (12+)

The human heart is a line, whereas my own is a circle, and I have the endless ability to be in the right place at the right time. The consequence of this is that I’m always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both.

This extraordinary book follows Liesel Meminger as she comes of age in Nazi Germany. After losing her family, Liesel is fostered by Hans and Rosa Hubermann. One day, a Jewish man arrives at their door, and the Hubermann’s make the brave and dangerous decision to hide him. Liesel’s new family must now pretend nothing has changed when everything has changed in a world tipped into a brutal war.

This is such a beautifully written book. Zusak’s descriptions combined with death as the narrator mark this as a special story right from the start. And in Liesel, you have a broken-hearted, but fierce character who finds small and big ways to defy Nazi authority. Her burgeoning love for language and books is something that resonates with readers and is celebrated. There are lots of stories set in Nazi Germany, but this is one of the very best, with characters that will stay with you long after the story has ended.

A year in reading to redeem the year that was

Coming round to another January, it occurs to me that the pandemic has turned entire years into Groundhog’s Day. I’m doing my usual ponder of my year in reading, taking a look at the reflections of other readers and the books and reading that filled their year … and it’s all feeling like, well, we’ve been here before, in almost exactly these same circumstances.

That’s not entirely a bad thing. As I remarked this time last year, reflecting on 2020, our reading then was a source of diversion, comfort, inspiration and more, and it was again – as it needed to be – again in 2021.

Early in 2021, I was delighted to team up with writer and blogger Liza Achilles to tackle the subject of how to maintain one’s enthusiasm and focus for reading (essentially, to keep the reading mojo workin’) during the pandemic. We exchanged blog posts, with Liza’s piece appearing here and my piece appearing on Liza’s blog – and what a revealing and energizing exercise that was.

Again in 2021, most of the events and gatherings normally enjoyed live and in-person were online. The silent book club groups in which I take part all moved online during the first wave of pandemic closures and lockdowns, and largely continued on as such this past year. Once again, the attendees of our silent book club gatherings collectively helped each other through struggles with our reading – intermittent concentration, flagging attention span, lessened energy, emotions triggered and so on – and I chronicled some of that in our reports. As I mentioned last year, I was determined to keep up our groups’ reports and not only did that throughout this year, but got many of our group members to write the introductions, all lively and interesting in their own fashions.

Respecting local guidelines and restrictions, our silent book club members still managed to meet for brief, physically distanced, but still heart lifting gatherings in the park … even as the weather grew colder again.

Silent book club in the park in fall

Silent book club in the park in winter

Along with silent book club meetings, most of the book launches and poetry readings I would normally enjoy in person were largely online again in 2021. Virtual gatherings are getting more sophisticated and are smoothing out the technical challenges (although some of the zoom oopsies occasionally add welcome whimsy to the occasion) … but still, nothing can compare to live events. How uplifting that the indefatigable poetry force knife | fork | book was able to present live readings in a singular setting in east end Toronto, as part of the launch of kfb’s retail presence at Great Escape Bookstore. I rhapsodized about it all on Twitter.

knife fork book poetry reading at the Great Escape bookstore

Again this year, I took up the somewhat intimidating but rewarding Sealey Challenge for reading yet more poetry. Started in 2017 by American poet and educator Nicole Sealey, and steered through social media with the hashtag #thesealeychallenge, the idea is to commit and do your best to read 31 works of poetry over the course of 31 days in August. I managed to do it again this year. I always have had a poetry collection on the go, but reading at this pace turns it into a whole new, mind-expanding experience – at times overwhelming but always exhilarating. Again, it was such a boost. Yes, I will aim to do it again. This past challenge, I roughly planned out a reading sequence of full works, chapbooks and a mix of new, new to me and rereads, and am already mapping out my August, 2022 poetry playlist.

I continued my commitment in 2021 to a daily devotion to at least one poem … and usually more, as friends on Twitter continued to generously share their poem choices and reflections via the #todayspoem hashtag. I have now completed 10 years of uninterrupted daily poetry tweets and am barrelling on into year 11.

Another practice that continues to enhance my weekly reading joy as I navigate through books is that of #sundaysentence, championed by author David Abrams. As I’ve observed before, seeking a beautifully or uniqued crafted sentence each week sharpens my attention when I’m reading. I also love discovering new works through the #sundaysentence choices of other readers.

In years past when I’ve looked back on my reading, I’ve reminisced about where I was when I was reading this or that, or I’ve linked to longer notes and reviews here on this blog, on Goodreads, etc. As I refrained in 2020, I’m not going to do that again this year. Somehow, in spite of it all, I had a bountiful year of reading by just ploughing ahead – with, of course, a little help from my bookish friends. I’m going to keep doing that again this upcoming year in reading, and wish the same for everyone.

Here are the books I read, reread and read aloud in 2021.
(For each book on this year’s list, I’ve sought out links to reviews – not my own, but ones with which I concur – author interviews and/or publisher information. Hope this is helpful if you want to learn more about any of these titles.)

My 2021 year in reading, with selected books by Ken Babstock, Honoree Fanonne Jeffers, Elaine Feeney, Christy Ann Conlin and brandy ryan & Kerry Manders

January 2021

1. Rachel to the Rescue by Elinor Lipman
2. One Year at Ellsmere by Faith Erin Hicks
3. Dearly by Margaret Atwood
4. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos
5. Swivelmount by Ken Babstock
6. Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart
7. Word Problems by Ian Williams

February 2021

8. Book of Wings by Tawhida Tanya Evanson
9. The Age of Phillis by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers
10. Beasts of the Sea by Kate Sutherland
11. As You Were by Elaine Feeney
12. Me Then You Then Me Then by Kathryn Mockler and Gary Barwin
13. silence, then by R. Kolewe
14. Ask About Language As If It Forgets by Hoa Nguyen
15. After Pulse by brandy ryan and Kerry Manders

March 2021

16. Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi
17. Phillis by Alison Clarke
18. Their Queer Tenderness by Neil Surkan
19. The Speed of Mercy by Christy Ann Conlin
20. OBIT by Victoria Chang
21. The Devil by John Nyman

My 2021 year in reading, with selected books by Ani Gjika, Michelle Butler Hallett, Yaa Gyasi, Dallas Hunt and Doireann Ni Ghriofa

April 2021

22. Strangers by Rob Taylor
23. Villa Negativa by Sharon McCartney
24. Bel Canto by Ann Patchett
25. A Short History of the Blockade by Leanne Betasamosake Simpson
26. Rabbit Foot Bill by Helen Humphreys
27. the debt by Andreae Callanan
28. Against Amazon – Seven Arguments / One Manifesto by Jorge Carrion, translated by Peter Bush

May 2021

29. Magnetic Field – The Marsden Poems by Simon Armitage
30. How Beautiful We Were by Imbolo Mbue
31. Whereabouts by Jhumpa Lahiri
32. The Ouroboros by Jim Johnstone
33. Creeland by Dallas Hunt
34. Constant Nobody by Michelle Butler Hallett
35. The Clothing of Books by Jhumpa Lahiri

June 2021

36. Little Housewolf by Medrie Purdham
37. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi
38. Dual Citizens by Alix Ohlin
39. Crow – From the Life and Songs of the Crow by Ted Hughes
40. The Beguiling by Zsuzsi Gartner

July 2021

41. The Family Way by Christopher DiRaddo
42. A Ghost in the Throat by Doireann Ni Ghriofa
43. Jonny Appleseed by Joshua Whitehead

My 2021 year in reading, with selected books by T.S. Eliot, Chad Campbell, Cory Lavender, Selina Boan, Elizabeth Brewster and Joseph Dandurand

August 2021

… including #thesealeychallenge (reading 31 works of poetry in 31 days)

44. Poisonous If Eaten Raw by Alyda Faber
45. Bread on Running Waters by Ani Gjika
46. Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg
47. Imitation Crab by Hamish Ballantyne
48. A Promised Land by Barack Obama
49. The East Side of It All by Joseph Dandurand
50. The Pit by Tara Borin
51. Nectarine by Chad Campbell
52. Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot
53. guys named Bill by Leslie Greentree
54. Walt by Shane Neilson
55. The Essential Elizabeth Brewster, selected by Ingrid Ruthig
56. This Is How It Is by Sharon King-Campbell
57. Me by Elton John
58. Deriving by Jennifer Bowering Delisle
59. DBL by Andy Verboom
60. Audio Obscura by Lavinia Greenlaw
61. Too Much Love by Gianna Patriarca
62. Undoing Hours by Selina Boan
63. The Bad Wife by Micheline Maylor
64. Ballad of Bernie “Bear” Roy by Cory Lavender
65. Smithereens by Terence Young
66. The Sacramento of Desire by Julia Bloch
67. Country by Michael Cavuto
68. All the People Are Pregnant by Andrew DuBois
69. Methodist Hatchet by Ken Babstock
70. The Wild Fox by R. Kolewe
71. 1996 by Sara Peters
72. I Am Still Your Negro: An Homage to James Baldwin by Valerie Mason-John
73. The Good Dark by Ryan Van Winkle
74. Morning in the Burned House by Margaret Atwood
75. Gospel Drunk by Aidan Chafe
76. Yes, I Am a Corpse Flower by Travis Sharp

My 2021 year in reading, with selected books by Margaret Atwood, Lucy Ellmann, Dana Spiotta, Jaspreet Singh and David OMeara

September 2021

77. Rain and Other Stories by Mia Couto, translated by Eric M.B. Becker
78. Wayward by Dana Spiotta
79. The Startup Wife by Tahmima Anam
80. Things Are Against Us by Lucy Ellmann

October 2021

81. Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney
82. The Tradition by Jericho Brown
83. Masses on Radar by David O’Meara
84. My Mother, My Translator by Jaspreet Singh
85. goodbye, already by Ryanne Kap
86. On the Proper Use of Stars by Dominique Fortier, translated by Sheila Fischman

November 2021

87. Unreconciled by Jesse Wente
88. The Tinder Sonnets by Jennifer LoveGrove
89. Poetry is Queer by Kirby
90. How to Be Happy Though Human by Kate Camp
91. Ghosthawk by Matt Rader
92. To Star the Dark by Doireann Ni Ghriofa
93. Crossroads by Jonathan Franzen
94. Myself a Paperclip by Triny Finlay

My 2021 year in reading, with selected books by Salena Godden, Triny Finlay, Silmy Abdullah, Patrick Radden Keefe and Victoria Kennefick

December 2021

95. Mrs Death Misses Death by Salena Godden
96. Best Canadian Poetry 2021, edited by Souvankham Thammavongsa
97. Home of the Floating Lily by Silmy Abdullah
98. Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe
99. Dante’s Indiana by Randy Boyagoda
100. The Historians by Eavan Boland
101. Disorientation – Being Black in the World by Ian Williams
102. Eat or We Both Starve by Victoria Kennefick

In 2021, I read a total of 102 works. That broke out as:

  • 27 works of fiction (novels and short story collections)
  • 63 poetry collections and
  • 12 works of non-fiction.

I reread 5 books. I read 5 works in translation, read one graphic work and read 64 works by Canadian authors. My husband and I read 2 books aloud to each other this year – A Promised Land by Barack Obama and Empire of Pain by Patrick Radden Keefe – both absorbing works that felt like long but very worthy journeys.

I also kept track again this year of the publication dates of the books I read. In 2021, the oldest book I read was published in 1925 (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos), but only read four books before 2000, kind of backtracking on my intention in recent years to read more older books. More than half of the books I read this year were published in 2020 or 2021.

So far in 2022, I’ve read or have in progress:

  • Hell Light Flesh by Klara du Plessis
  • Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz
  • Undersong by Kathleen Winter
  • The Storyteller by Dave Grohl (read aloud)

To wrap it up in consistently Groundhog Day-ish fashion, here are my observations from a year ago, which are still very applicable again this year:

For yet another year, I’m looking back with quiet satisfaction (and with gratitude to the practices and people who helped and inspired) on my reading during an extraordinarily difficult year, and looking forward with quiet optimism to where my reading this new year will take me. I’m grateful to the writers, publishers, reviewers and fellow readers who have spurred on and broadened my reading. I’m thankful as always for the bounty of beautiful words that came to me via so many conduits, evoking such an array of ideas, trains of thought, memories and associations, providing so much off the page, too.

I’ll simply conclude …

It’s not how many books or works you read (in whatever form) that counts. It’s that you read that counts – and it counts so very much.

Fall/early winter 2021 young adult (YA) reading recommendations

Our Toronto silent book club member Sundus Butt offers another splendid collection of young adult (YA) titles, accompanied by sensitive, perceptive reviews. These and all Sundus’ recommendations just might help you with some last-minute holiday gift giving ideas, not to mention some new year’s reading resolutions.

November 2021 YA book selections

schmidt-wednesday-200The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt (10+)

There was only my sister left. To ask your big sister to be your ally is like asking Nova Scotia to go into battle with you.

One of my favourite books, The Wednesday Wars is set during the late 60s and follows seventh-grader Holling Hoodhood. Holling is one of the most enjoyable characters to read. He’s dramatic, witty, compassionate, and Schmidt does a wonderful job of ensuring Holling feels like a kid whilst also having profound moments of strength and clarity. There is so much contained within this book, including the imperfect dynamics of family, the Vietnam War, an amazing teacher, the love of Shakespeare (that I wholeheartedly concur with), all of which make this is a truly special coming-of-age story.

stead-list-200The List of Things That Will Not Change by Rebecca Stead (9–12)

“What’s it like to have a sister?”
“It’s like there’s someone else in my boat. Someone I don’t have to explain things to.”
“Because she knows?”
“Yeah, I mean she doesn’t know what it’s like to be me, but she knows a lot of the reasons I am me.”

After Bea’s parents get divorced, they give her a notebook with a list of things that will not change, which is topped by her parents always loving her. But now things are changing as her dad is about to marry his long-time boyfriend, Jesse, and Bea is about to inherit her very own sister — something she has always wanted.

Bea is a great character made up of a jumble of anger, guilt, joy, and kindness. And throughout the story, she must deal with the complexity of her feelings whilst also dealing with the people around her, and all the joy and pain that encompasses. Stead has a gift in taking everyday stories and making them feel extraordinary, and this is no exception.

applegate-wishtree-200Wishtree by Katherine Applegate (9–12)

It is a great gift indeed to love who you are.

Who knew a tree could be such a charming character? Applegate masterfully brings Red, an old oak tree, to life and narrates a full and engaging story from its perspective. Red has seen and survived a lot over its many years, and as the local wishtree, it has a special place in the community. But things are changing, a Muslim family has moved in and isn’t welcome, Red’s attempt to make two children become friends is failing, and now Red is on the verge of being cut down. Armed with its best friend, Bongo the crow, and all the other animals that call Red home, Red must find a way to make things better. This is a lovely story told in a unique way.

mcanulty-miscalculations-200The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty (8–12)

Life is like an equation and mine is perfectly balanced. Nana + Uncle Paul + math = happiness. Other people might need to add in friends or sports or money or something else, but my equation is already solved.

After being struck by lightning, Lucy Callahan develops acquired savant syndrome making her a genius at math. She’s been homeschooled for years, but finally her grandmother, concerned by Lucy’s isolation, decides Lucy has to go back to school for one year at least. As Lucy enters fourth grade, she encounters all the trials and tribulations that school entails, especially when you’re different.

McAnulty does a great job in making Lucy and her struggles feel real. At school, Lucy tries to hide her gift for math, but she can’t hide her OCD or her discomfort with social situations, and while gifted with numbers, they can also drown out Lucy’s thoughts when she’s anxious or unsure. It takes a combination of family, a great teacher, some quirky friends, a dog shelter, and Lucy’s own bravery for her to realize her life is more than a simple calculation and that’s something to be celebrated.

pierce-alanna-200Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce (10+)

“… you seem to think we won’t like you unless you do things just like everyone else. Have you ever thought we might like you because you’re different?”

This fantasy story follows Alanna Trebond who wants to be a knight more than anything. But knighthood is forbidden to girls, so Alanna convinces her twin brother to trade places so he can go learn magic, and she can learn to be a knight. Fiercely determined, but also full of doubts and vulnerability, Alanna is an engaging character you root for right from page one. Pierce has been creating wonderful female protagonists long before it was normalized — Alanna was one of the first I encountered growing up and she’s stayed with me through the years.

Anya’s Ghost by Vera Brosgol (13+)

People might think that five-year-olds can’t be cruel, but I have some strong evidence to the contrary.

Told with humour and horror, this is a great (and unusual) graphic novel about teenager Anya struggling with her identity. Anya feels embarrassed by her Russian heritage, worries she’s overweight, and struggles to fit in at school. When Anya finds an unlikely friend at the bottom of a well, things start to look up. But Anya soon learns that things aren’t always what they seem.

Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly (10+)

One day I would have all the books in the world, shelves and shelves of them. I would live my life in a tower of books. I would read all day long and eat peaches. And if any young knights in armour dared to come calling on their white chargers and plead with me to let down my hair, I would pelt them with peach pits until they went home.

Meet Calpurnia Virginia Tate. She’s 11 years old (practically 12), growing up on a farm in Texas in 1899 with six brothers. But Callie is different from most other girls. She loves examining the natural world, and by befriending her odd grandfather, Callie is able to go exploring and develop her love for science. This is alarming to her mom, who decides to inundate Callie with “lady-like” work so she can’t get too carried away with her scientific pursuits. Not to be deterred, Callie continues her scientific investigations when she can, even while facing the numerous barriers set before a girl of her time period.

Kelly does a great job of creating a certain setting, time (sometimes with backwards language and views), and some special characters. Callie’s wit and fierceness make her a joy to read. Her perspective adds to this fun coming-of-age story about breaking norms and finding your place even as a kid.

More young adult (YA) reading recommendation goodness – the fifth of a series of review round-ups

We are grateful for and delighted with Toronto silent book club member Sundus Butt’s ongoing collections of young adult (YA) titles and recommendations. Enjoy all the monthly YA installments here.

July 2021 Young Adult book recommendation

When Stars Are Scattered by Omar Mohamed and Victoria Jamieson, illustrated by Victoria Jamieson and Iman Geddy (9+)

I had been a horrible friend to Jeri. No one would want a friend like me back.
But the good news was, we weren’t friends.
We were brothers.
And the thing about a brother is, you don’t need words to understand each other.

This graphic novel follows Omar and his younger brother, Hassan, as they spend years in a Kenyan refugee camp. The hardships they face from lack of food to lack of medical care for Hassan (who is largely non-verbal) are heartbreaking. And although the story focuses on the interminable despair and waiting refugees face, it is also full of hope and light. What stayed with me most was the remarkable way people are able to create a sense of family and home even in the grimmest of places.

Alexandria of Africa by Eric WaltersAlexandria of Africa by Eric Walters (9–12)

“You and the other Maasai I saw on the road always wear red. Why?” I asked.
“Some people believe it is a warning to the lion. He sees the red and runs away.” Nebala explained. “Others say that the lion is attracted to the red because it looks like the blood of a fresh kill, so he goes for the warrior and leaves the cattle alone.”
“It can’t be both,” another person objected.
“One thing can be many things,” he said.

Alexandria is a spoiled rich teen who has been caught stealing (again). She and her family decide to take a deal where Alexandria must go to Africa with an international aid group rather than spend four months in juvie.

Walters does a good job of making Alexandria feel convincing. And although it’s difficult to read from the perspective of a character that you’d like to pick up and throw across a room, the impact the Kenyan people and environment have on Alexandria is satisfying. Overall, this is a light read, but it shows how a person’s perspective can shift (even if it’s slightly) when exposed to ideas and cultures outside their own.

Moon Over Manifest by Clare Vanderpool (11–14)

“[…] the person you encounter is often more than the person you see.”

Abilene Tucker arrives in Manifest feeling abandoned by her father and counting down the days until she’s reunited with him at the end of summer. But Abilene quickly finds there’s a lot more to her father’s old town than she first thought.

This is a charming read full of the simple joys of childhood exploration and discovery. The olden setting and variety of characters feel real almost instantly. Combined with Vanderpool’s warm writing, this is an enjoyable coming-of-age story.

Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly HuntFish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt (10–13)

My grandpa used to say to be careful with eggs and words, because neither can ever be fixed. The older I get, the more I realize how smart my grandpa was.

This story follows Ally as she struggles through school without anyone (including herself) understanding why. A new teacher is able to discover that Ally has dyslexia. With hard work and belief, Ally discovers she’s capable of more than she imagined.

Hunt does a great job of conveying Ally’s isolation and shame in being unable to read properly and ask for help. You really feel for Ally right from the start with her behavioural issues and a slew of misunderstandings that arise from her dyslexia. But as she begins to understand why she’s had so much trouble, Ally slowly gains confidence and hope, and realizes that people are built differently and learn differently, too. This story celebrates those differences between us, and also those amazing teachers that go deeper and genuinely change a child’s life.

The Giver by Lois LowryThe Giver by Lois Lowry (13+)

Of course they needed to care. It was the meaning of everything.

Set in a colourless (figuratively and literally) world of conformity, this story focuses on 12-year-old Jonas as he’s assigned to The Giver to receive memories of the past. As Jonas begins to receive these memories, he discovers experiences and ideas that cast his world in a new light.

Lowry packs a lot of social commentary into this short novel, not just by what she chose to include, but also by what she omitted. The atmosphere in the story is well crafted. The sterility of Jonas’s environment and in the people he speaks to feels tangible and it clearly communicates a world that has lost all sense of what it means to live a life and live it fully.

Clap When You Land by Elizabeth AcevedoClap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo (15+)

You do not call bad spirits into the room, & you do not smudge a person’s dignity by pretending they are not still alive & right in front of you, & perhaps about to receive a miracle.
You do not let your words stunt unknown possibilities.

Written in verse, this novel follows two 16-year-old girls, Camino (in the Dominican Republic) and Yahaira (in New York City), who never knew about each other, but are now connected by the tragedy of their father’s death.

Acevedo beautifully and commandingly crafts a story that covers so many different ideas including the imperfections of family, culture, identity, grief, poverty, as well as the dangers of being a young woman. This is a raw and emotional story delivered in a unique, lyrical way.

The Thief by Meghan Whalen Turner (13+)

Discretion prevented me from saying that I thought she was a fiend from the underworld and that mountain lions couldn’t force me to enter her service.

Gen, a boastful (but apparently unsuccessful) thief is plucked from a prison by the king’s scholar, the magus, to attain an ancient lost treasure. The story largely centres on their journey, revealing the history and political intrigues of the different regions along the way.

The writing in The Thief is excellent. There isn’t a lot of action, but Whalen’s descriptions and mini-myths are so enjoyable to read. On the character front, the wit and banter provided by Gen is terrific—he’s a lot of fun to follow (and I imagine he was a lot of fun to write, too). The Thief is a wonderful, old-world fantasy and kicks-off a great series.

Silent book club … part of a vast underground network for goodness at work in the world

Sometimes, our silent book club meetings are “pop-ups” – scheduled with somewhat short notice, often on a weekday evening, to mix up it a bit with our more regularly scheduled Saturday morning gatherings. Regardless of when they happen, we always have a good turn-out and a warm exchange of our latest reading enthusiasms and, er, less-than-enthusiasms, knowing we have a crowd with which we can both celebrate and comisserate.

Sometimes, the revelations pop up at us, too. After a lively and varied go-round of book recommendations and reviews, the meeting evolved wonderfully into an open discussion about the joys of rereading and how – with perhaps some concerns about rereading changing our relationship with books beloved at an earlier age – many agreed that rereading offered a path back to our books from the heartbreak and distractions of the past year and a half. And from there, we shared our gratitude for this group and its comforts and support. And from there, one of our members closed the meeting on the perfect note with this quotation from one of the books discussed earlier in the meeting:

“Over the last ten years I’ve had a chance to give readings and talks all over the world and meet thousands of dedicated readers. Their passion for literature has convinced me that there’s a vast underground network for goodness at work in the world – a web of people who’ve put reading at the center of their lives because they know from experience that reading makes them more expansive, generous people and makes their lives more interesting.”

– George Saunders, from A Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life (2021 Random House)

Dawn's books

Vicki's books

Every meeting, the books we share comprise an overflowing cornucopia of subjects, formats, genres, styles, voices, perspectives and so much more. The titles featured in each of our reports combine print and digital versions of books, along with audiobooks (which are indicated separately, with narrator/performer information where possible).

More book-related articles, resources, news, recommendations and more were offered by our members and/or came up during this meeting’s discussions and chat, including:

  • Thanks to a fortuitous connection between members of our silent book club group, YA author Faith Erin Hicks ended up with a freshly redesigned web site: Just so happens Hicks’ titles have also come up in our YA book recommendations!
  • Audiobooks or Reading? To Our Brains, It Doesn’t Matter … so observes Discover magazine. Our silent book club group feels the same way!
  • Further to that very fine George Saunders quotation, enjoy a conversation between him and fellow author Anne Lamott from earlier this year:

    George Saunders in conversation with Anne Lamott (January, 2021)

Our fellow readers – all part of that vast underground network for goodness at work in the world – are invited to boost their reading with fodder from our previous silent book club meeting reports (online and in-person incarnations) and book lists – find them all here. Perhaps you’ll come across the unexpected!

You can also check out links to articles, interviews and more here – some with San Francisco-based Silent Book Club founders Guinevere de La Mare and Laura Gluhanich, and some with us here in east end Toronto.

Learn more about silent book clubs via Guinevere and Laura’s Silent Book Club web site. You can find information on meetings happening around the world and close to where you live. Some clubs are currently on haitus, but many are running virtual meetings in different formats. Please feel free to contact me for more information about our club and its offerings.

Stay safe, stay well, stay hopeful, stay utterly engrossed in good books!

The latest installment of our young adult (YA) reading recommendations – the fourth of a series of review round-ups

Toronto silent book club member Sundus Butt returns with another delicious harvest of young adult (YA) titles and recommendations. Enjoy all the monthly YA installments here.

June 2021 YA book selections by Faith Erin Hicks and Laura Lee Gulledge

Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks (11–16)

It’s easy to lose your soul in high school.

I love everything about this graphic novel. It follows Maggie as she starts high school after being homeschooled with her three brothers all her life. The characters are terrific, the humour is delightful, and the artwork is wonderful (as is always the case with Hicks). I could relate wholeheartedly to Maggie from her nervousness about being around so many people to her love for Alien and Ripley. This is a coming-of-age story focused on family and friends, oh, and being haunted by a ghost.

Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate

Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate

Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate (9–12)

Imaginary friends are like books. We’re created, we’re enjoyed, we’re dog-eared and creased, and then we’re tucked away until we’re needed again.

Jackson’s family has little money for food and rent, and Jackson bears the struggles of a difficult life like an old soul. But when things get even worse and it looks like Jackson and his family may have to live in their minivan again, Jackson’s old imaginary friend, Crenshaw, appears.

This is a lovely story focused on family, friendship, and homelessness. Jackson is a great character; his small kindnesses to his sister and his bravery in trying to be strong for his parents make him endearing and also make his trials that much more painful. His interactions with Crenshaw (an enjoyable character, too) are simple, but reveal so much about what Jackson’s trying to keep buried. The story touches on how important it is to share your burdens and heartache with the people you love.

While I Was Away by Waka T. Brown

While I Was Away by Waka T. Brown

While I Was Away by Waka T. Brown (8–12)

Three people who weren’t here with us, but actually were. Their stories, their relationships, their lives all tied together and echoing across time.

This memoir follows twelve-year-old Waka as she’s sent to Tokyo (from America) for several months by herself to improve her Japanese. Waka stays with her forbidding grandmother and she has to navigate an unfamiliar language, culture, and customs.

This is a sensitive and gentle story about the different experiences the author had in Japan. It clearly left a huge mark on her life and she explores the feeling of being an outsider, being caught between two different cultures, and also learning to love someone who can be both kind and severe.

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (12+)

“Stories are important,” the monster said. “They can be more important than anything. If they carry the truth.”

This illustrated story follows 13-year-old Conor as his mom battles cancer. One night, Conor wakes up and finds an ancient force/monster outside his window. The monster tells Conor three stories, but at the end Conor must reveal his own terrifying truth about a recurring dream that haunts him.

This book is so well crafted. Conor’s isolation, pain, and anger are so visceral and your heart breaks for him. And the monster is an excellent character that combines menace, wisdom, and care (and the stories he shares are wonderful dark mini-fairy tales). The balance between raw emotion, imagination, and insight makes this a great story about coping and grief.

Page by Paige by Laura Lee Gulledge (12–17)

I suppose all moms have an idea who they hope their daughters will be. Like a connect-the-dots picture where you think you know what shape it will become. But then it’s the daughter who draws the lines, and she might connect the dots you didn’t intend, making a whole different picture. So I’ve gotta trust the dots she’s given me, and she’s gotta trust me to draw the picture myself.

This is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel that follows teenage Paige when she moves to New York City with her parents from Virginia. Paige is painfully shy and finds herself feeling isolated and lost in the big city, and she retreats into her mind and sketchbook for refuge (even though both are difficult places at times). Some of the metaphorical drawings convey Paige’s introversion and insecurity perfectly and you can understand exactly how she is feeling. Overall, the story is about actively changing your life in small ways so you can find your people and your place.

Welcoming the unexpected at silent book club

The mark of an accomplished meeting facilitator is how they handle with aplomb the arrival of unexpected attendees. Full marks to our east end Toronto silent book club co-founder and zoom maven Jo, who was taking advantage of warmer weather hereabouts and running our latest zoom meeting while ensconced under a tree in her backyard … and who didn’t miss a beat when a possum arrived unannounced.

Possum in Jo's backyard

Possum in Jo’s backyard – Photo by Jo Nelson

Sadly, the possum departed without reporting on its latest reading, so we’ll never know if it leans towards fiction or non-fiction, or would be open to a bit of poetry. But happily, we’re left with further proof of a few things, including:

  • There’s always room for one more whenever we gather.
  • Ours is a group – like many of our peer silent book club groups around the world – that relishes the surprising and unexpected, in our reading and in our meetings.

Vicki's books, getting ready for the zoom call

Perhaps you’ll encounter the enticingly unexpected with our combined reading lists. As always, the books we share run the gamut of subjects, formats, genres, styles and much more. The titles featured in each of our reports combine print and digital versions of books, along with audiobooks (which are indicated separately, with narrator/performer information where possible).

More book-related articles, resources, news, recommendations and more were offered by our members and/or came up during this meeting’s discussions and chat, including:

As always, we invite our fellow readers to boost their reading with fodder from our previous silent book club meeting reports (online and in-person incarnations) and book lists – find them all here. Perhaps you’ll come across the unexpected!

You can also check out links to articles, interviews and more here – some with San Francisco-based Silent Book Club founders Guinevere de La Mare and Laura Gluhanich, and some with us here in east end Toronto.

Learn more about silent book clubs via Guinevere and Laura’s Silent Book Club web site. You can find information on meetings happening around the world and close to where you live. Some clubs are currently on haitus, but many are running virtual meetings in different formats. Please feel free to contact me for more information about our club and its offerings.

Stay safe, stay well, stay hopeful … and, of course, do your best to keep reading!

More great additions to our young adult (YA) reading – the third of a series of review round-ups

Toronto silent book club member Sundus Butt returns again with another rich and varied installment in an ongoing series of mini-reviews and previews of young adult (YA) titles and recommendations. Enjoy all the YA installments here.

May 2021 young adult (YA) book selections

Measuring Up by Lily LaMotte, illustrated by Ann Xu (8–12)

[…] Cici, you are always ready to learn and …
… part of me will go with you.

Twelve-year-old Cici has just moved to Seattle from Taiwan and is finding it hard to fit in. She also desperately misses her grandmother, A-má, who is about to turn 70. Cici decides to enter a cooking contest in the hopes of winning some money that can help A-má visit so they can celebrate her special birthday together.

This graphic novel is a simple and gentle story that touches on a lot of different issues. The immigrant experience, microaggressions (such as Cici being referred to as Chinese or Thai when she is Taiwanese), familial pressures, acceptance, and finding your place are all explored, and the cooking contest was an interesting and fun element to help deliver the story.

Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi and Yusef Salaam (14+)

Dead to the world
but somewhere in our souls
we are both scratching at the walls
yelling to the sky
punching the air
to let everyone and everything know
that we are in here
still alive

Written in verse, this book follows Amal Shahid, a Black Muslim boy who’s wrongly incarcerated.

Yusef Salaam is one of the exonerated Central Park Five, and though Amal is not a direct representation of him, Salaam’s experiences give the book insight that makes it feel that much more concrete. Combined with Zoboi’s lyrical writing, you feel the injustice of how Amal is made a “man,” not a “boy,” and how his humanity is stripped away so he’s a “monster” and it’s easier to convict him. This story is a short, but powerful read about how the colour of your skin often determines the justice you receive, and how Amal deals with life in prison.

The War That Saved My Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley (9–12)

I slipped my hand into hers. A strange and unfamiliar feeling ran through me. It felt like the ocean, like sunlight, like horses. Like love. I searched my mind and found the name for it. Joy.

Ada has never left her family’s one-room apartment. Born with a clubfoot, Ada’s mother treats her horrifically and forces her to stay inside so no one can see her “ugly foot.” But when World War II breaks out and Ada’s little brother Jamie is sent away from London, Ada takes her chance to escape and joins him. In the country, they are taken in (unwillingly) by Susan Smith. These vastly different people thrown together challenge and learn from each other as they try to adapt to their new life.

This book is skillfully put together. The pacing of the story and character development make the story arc believable. There is a hard edge to what Ada experiences externally and internally, and even the characters you root for are flawed at times. The story covers a variety of issues, but it presents a clear case for how a life can change when given love and support.

The Okay Witch written and illustrated by Emma Steinkellner (8–12)

“See, Mother? This! This is the human world. Fun and free and full of life. This is the world my daughter and I love.”
“It is frightfully ordinary. And loud. And vulgar. Yes these salt blossoms are sublime.”
“It’s called ‘popcorn.’ And yes, popcorn is one of the amazing things we have […].”

Moth Hush has always been different, but she realizes how different when she discovers she’s a half-witch. Chaos ensues as Moth tries to navigate her new powers, her mom’s aversion to magic (even though she’s a witch, too), an age-old feud with witch-hunters, and how she fits into the world.

This story is really fun and lively, and that’s largely due to the enjoyable characters. Combined with fantastic artwork, this is a good coming-of-age story.

Dear Martin by Nic Stone (14+)

“You can’t change how other people think and act, but you’re in full control of you. When it comes down to it, the only question that matters is this: If nothing in the world ever changes, what type of man are you gonna be?”

Justyce McAllister is a good kid all set for the Ivy League; but when he’s wrongly handcuffed, he’s rattled by how easily being Black can negatively override everything else about him. Justyce begins a journal, writing to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in the hopes that he can follow his teachings and find some answers.

There is a lot packed into this short book. It provides a brief, but wide look at the complex emotions a young Black man feels when he encounters injustice after injustice. The protagonist also feels the temptation of becoming what people expect of him because why resist a stereotype when that’s all people will ever see? You really feel for Justyce and share his frustration with events throughout the story. And although there are some unaddressed issues in the book (such as misogyny), it is a short and impactful read.

A Drop of Hope by Keith Calabrese (9–12)

Because Ryan realized that for every wish he knew about, there must have been dozens that he didn’t. Maybe that was the point, in the end. You can’t fix the world. But you do your best in your own little corner of it.
And you hope.

An old wishing well has been rediscovered in Cliffs Donnelly, Ohio, a small town down on its luck. But as students from the local school start to make wishes, remarkably, they come true by the inadvertent actions of three unlikely friends. Events start to snowball and lead to even bigger consequences for the town as a whole.

The characters in this book are endearing, and they are the heart of this story about small kindnesses. Told through multiple perspectives, you discover there’s more to each character than everyone realizes as they try to protect and care for each other. This is a warm and lovely read that lives up to its title.